Instead his mind was filled with image of Obi-Wan
Statistics: Posted by Wanderer — Sat 02 Oct 2004 20:41
Statistics: Posted by Wanderer — Tue 01 Jun 2004 06:29
Statistics: Posted by สาวเอลฟ์ — Thu 27 May 2004 02:47
Qui-Gon lay down and breathed deeply. Beside him, Obi-Wan did the same. It had been a strange day and Qui-Gon looked forward to meditation. But even after several minutes of trying to relax, the deep calm that usually filled him did not come.
Instead his mind was filled with image of Obi-Wan
Obi-Wan as a boy in a practice duel with Jedi student Bruck Chun, letting his anger rather than his instincts direct him. Then an image of Obi-Wan when he had gone to help him on Melida/Daan, wounded, humble, and brave enough to face his mistakes -- even if doing so meant never becoming a Jedi. The boy had grown so much in the last four years. More than getting stronger and taller, he was learning to trust himself, his instincts, and the Force.
Another image of Obi-Wan flashed in Qui-Gon's mind. An older Obi-Wan, ready to begin the intensive path toward the trials. Soon he would be more man than boy. He would take the leap toward becoming a Jedi Knight.
Pride and sadness flooded Qui-Gon as he pictured Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. He looked forward to the day that the two of them would work side by side as Jedi Knights, but with this thought no image came. Qui-Gon's chest tightened. He was so proud of Obi-Wan's path, of his achievement. Why couldn't he see him as a Knight? Perhaps I do not want to see the boy grow up, he thought.
Statistics: Posted by D.M. — Wed 26 May 2004 00:46